At the beginning of lockdown in March 2020, PLATFORM was handed over to a new
team. The original publication, created by Leah Jones, wonderfully displayed the
creative talents of the Open Eye Gallery volunteers. We wanted to continue Leah’s
vision whilst addressing the unusual times we found ourselves in. In such creatively
challenging times, how could we not focus on the art produced?
Our aim for PLATFORM is to provide a showcase for the creative practice of the Open Eye Gallery Volunteers.
The issue of PLATFORM is an epitome of our title, ‘The New Normal.’
Communicating solely through virtual spaces, the conception of this zine has ensued
through scheduled Zoom calls, WhatsApp messages, shared e-drives and countless
e-mails (though not without a few I.T. mishaps!). Most importantly, this edition of
PLATFORM materialised when the team was scattered across the UK. But we
persevered. We found what worked for us and ran with it, adapting to the new
realism we found ourselves in. What developed was an artistic community in which
ideas were shared in a space which was visible and open to all; an opportunity for
volunteers to have their creative voices heard.
PLATFORM will continue this journey. We hope in future editions, we will reflect on
contemporary culture and society illustrating creative replies. The ‘New Normal’ has
just began. Months after the announcement of lockdown, we still question what the
future of creativity will look like. Each step towards this unknowing destination will
prompt more questions; and while there’s much to consider, we hope that
PLATFORM inspires and pushes our own, and each other’s, artistic boundaries. As
we have discovered, shared experiences cultivate our own individual creative